


Since the 1980s, the American hip-hop movement has been a breakout in France, opening the way for young people to become imbued with its codes. Zenoy is no exception.

From 1988 he experimented with several tags «AWAISUN», then «TRESH» to stop definitively on «ZENOY» in the 90s.

In thirty years, Zenoy has marked the urban landscape with his «graffiti» paw, by tirelessly tagging his blow on metros, trains, railways.

Insatiable of recognition, he has managed to leave a historical and unmissable imprint in the landscape of French graffiti.
As a little bit of luck, Zenoy meets a patron who believes in his talent and allows him to create freely on canvas. 

Rich in this experience, Zenoy integrates many galleries and today it is available on a wide variety of media (sculptures, letter boxes, paving ...).

This dynamic opens the way to many collaborations for the greatest pleasure of the artist’s collectors.