Jerome Mesnager

Jerome Mesnager

Jerome Mesnager

The son of an engineer, Jérôme Mesnager was a student at the Lycée Fénelon Sainte-Marie 2 before entering the Boulle school in 1974 where he trained as a cabinetmaker and later taught. In 1979, he took the comic book lessons of Yves Gotet by Georges Pichard, teachers at the École supérieure des arts appliqués Duperré.

He was one of the founders, in 1982, of Zig-Zag, a group of ten very young artists in "zig-zag in the jungle of cities" who decided to occupy the street by drawing graffiti and also to occupy briefly, during an artistic performance, of disused plants.

On 16 January 1983, he invented the Man in White, «a symbol of light, strength and peace». This white silhouette also called "White Body" or "the White Man", Jérôme Mesnager has reproduced it throughout the world, from the walls of Paris to the Chinese wall.