Marc Ferrero

Marc Ferrero

Marc Ferrero

Marc Ferrero is one of a few contemporary painters who can affirm that painting can still explore new paths and extend through the power of imagination the graphic adventure of the last century which was the richest in terms of research pictorial.

An unexpected return of oil painting, ideal for creating scripted atmospheres and generating suspense by the neck. It is tempting to look for the source of this singularity in the very life of Marc Ferrero, self-taught, born of an Italian Argentinian father and a French mother, who left to discover the world following his graduation at 16. At the age when some begin their artistic learning in art schools, the already certain trait, it accumulates life experiences and encounters with characters from all walks of life. 

A trip across Morocco and Spain by hitchhiking, on the edge of the Assinie lagoon in Ivory Coast, from the good hotels of Istanbul to the old city of Kyoto, from the white nights of the Riviera to the mists of Brussels, It is natural to see in Marc Ferrero’s work a synthesis of the possibilities offered by an adventurous life populated by extraordinary characters, and the temptation would be great to leave in the shadows an essential element of his path, his passion for painting. One does not position oneself at the head of a new pictorial current without a great knowledge of the painting and major evolutions that have marked its history.